
This chapter explains how to install Cerberus.

The recommended setup is GNU/Linux (Debian / Ubuntu or RHEL). Cerberus host wasn't test on Mac OS X and Windows X yet. There aren't any recommended tips for guests, futhermore with Cerberus you can deploy any Operating Systems you want. Nervetheless you must provide an ISO image file.

  1. Requirements
    a. Packages
    b. Virtual Environment
    c. Initialize Database
    d. Redis Connectivity
    e. Setting Up .env file
    f. Nuxt
    g. Load References and Rules
  2. NIDS
    a. Debian Installation
    b. Suricata Installation
    c. Suricata Configuration
    d. Suricata Rules
    e. TCPDump Installation
    f. Installing a Fake Internet with INetSIM and PolarProxy
  3. VMI